I know, I know. This blog clearly has a different feel from my other one (if you've been following my other blog). I've decided to abandon the other one and go with this blog because...well, it simply seems more like ME.
The title of this blog was SUPPOSED to be "Keep Calm and Have A Cupcake," referencing the title on a pink journal my boyfriend bought me the other day from Chapters. BUT...someone already snatched that domain name (grrr...) so I went with this one. I really don't know what it is about me and pink & cute things. Oh, and cupcakes included. My desk at the office even has a cupcake calendar sitting on it. Every day, I rip off a sheet to reveal a new cupcake recipe. My boyfriend and I even made a batch the other day, except I'm not very artistic and my pink icing hearts were very blobby looking.
Anyways, thanks again for dropping by!
Before I end this post, I have a random question for you:
what is the weirdest dessert you've ever eaten? One of the cupcake recipes in my calendar is for spinach & pine nut muffins...that's probably not weird to some people but to me it is...veggies & desserts do not go together...ew. Anyways! More randomness to come. Random Ness...hehe. Get it? He...he...